Pikashow is an unofficial app that you can download from the third party source. Basically Pikashow is a platform that’s provide a lots of movies, web series, TV shows, dramas, videos and other various content or much more serials that you can easily access or watch in APK mode.


App NamePikaShow App
Latest Versionv90
File Size16 MB
CategoryVast Collection Movies
Total Download100M+
Last update1 hour Ago

PikaShow App

So, Pikashow APK app is full of premium features covers. Its APK mode is free of cost and enjoy all paid features in free. It’s a free tool for your enjoyment entertainment without paying anything. You can easily access to paid internet content like Netflix series or Amazon prime. Pikashow APK is very reliable for enhance your experience in free or you can easily search any type of content or watch. However, you may like Hollywood, Bollywood, Indian series, Punjabi, sports seasons or much more in this single application.

Pikashow APK Features

When you download the app then please read about the feature of Pikashow APK that’s more courage to download this app or enjoy unlimited features with this version. Countless features in this application available for your better experience with HD quality or good audio sounds.


Unlimited Movie Download Option

When you want download any content or movie from internet source the Pikashow APK is best opportunity for you. In which lots of content and free download movies option available. Everyone love this feature because its provide any movie that’s not available full version on internet. Also the plus point is for you when you download movie from travelling or later watch then it is best option because sometimes you can’t download movie immediate due to poor connection. So, download content for watch later.

Live Sports

Its provide 24/7 live streaming in worldwide Live sports watching is very common in overall world. Easily watch live sports at national level without any subscriptions. Other platforms require monthly subscription but its free to download or enjoy sports with friends. Live sports watch with ad blocker or good internet speed.

Easy Interface

Its interface is very easy to use not require any advanced knowledge. Pikashow Download provide user friendly interface for your better experience. Its design is compatible with your device or suggest you many searches with related hot content. Easy interface always helps to navigate your options or selection new features or adds something new.

Multilingual Support

This APK mode is customizable with multiple language support. Whatever you select any language according to your requirements or ease to understand. Its feature is useful for those peoples who’s understand only one language. This feature is full of fantastic for all over world peoples.

Regular update

Regular update feature is the best option for your device because its auto regular update is protecting your device with any error or bugs free and most common thing is you can enjoy updating daily features. Regular updates are best for premium features updating new things or protect your phone about malware virus.


For multi-language support subtitle feature is good for your content. It’s an attractive feature in this application. User add this feature of free subtitle in live streaming movies or shows. It’s very reliable for user and easy to understand for better experience. Subtitle feature is support any language.

Live TV Channels

Pikashow APK is supports the live 1000+ TV channels feature. This is the best or high demanding feature. Like all channels of any country supporting in this app like Zee TV, National Geography, HBO, Cartoon Network, Hollywood channels, Punjabi, Indian, sports TV, Sports 10 or many more. Live streaming news is always best option in live TV channels its update the latest news and hot trending content.

PikaShow Apk System Requirements

Pikashow APK is very reliable with different devices but most compatible with android phone. First you need to download the emulator in PC for perfect working like NOx Player, Blue Stacks.  Easily install in PC, IOS, android Phone. Also apple user downloads this APK mode from our trusted website. IOS require the APK downloader. Some requirements need for download this app, like free storage in your phone, updated version of phone or 4gb ram,  emulator.

Is the Pikashow App safe or not?

HD Pikashow APK is fully secure or safe for your device when you download from trusted website. But remember one thing is you may ignore upload your personal content or privacy information on this app because its APK version installed from third party source. You can use for entertainment enjoyment or accessing premium features without subscription charges. Its app is 100% save when you can’t share your privacy on this platform.

What are the benefits of using the Pikashow App?

There are many benefits of this Pikashow App Some of them is listed below:

(i): With this app you can easily watch movies web series at any place with offline download option. It’s HD results or good quality sound feel better or good visual display screen.

(ii): New released Hollywood or Bollywood movies easy to find and watch immediately watch on this app. No wait for upload on YouTube or Netflix.

(iii): Easily watch cricket matches when outside from house or any country live streaming like IPL or T20 from Dubai England. Its speed optimization compatible with your device.

(iv): New content like newly coming web series available or any other updated content in market. Live streaming web shows or comedies.

(v): This app is most popular with the many benefits of this app, overall users is satisfying with the features or Pikashow APK. Because all premium features is free of without any subscription charges.

How to watch IPL on Pikashow APK?

For watching IPL on Download Pikashow app make sure you download this app in your device and connect with internet. Now tap the menu options in app click on India when you select this option this results show you the live IPL match that is live streaming. Also you can make shortcut for fatly open the icon in your phone and watch match. This is the plus point for you now enjoy live match with your friends and family. It’s best worth for watching game IPL matches with live streaming, without dropping any content or buffering issues.

Live Sports Streaming in Pikashow App

In Pikashow APK more than 100 game channels provide for the purpose of entertainment. Its support the live sports streaming in this app. Pikkashow provide this opportunity in free of cost you can watch any game globally without any limitations or monthly subscription bundle. Also on request option is available in this app.

  1. Mostly watch cricket live in this app or user loves this result HD quality or good audio sound.
  2. Hockey is also loved by international level; you can enjoy live tournament or hockey matches in this app.
  3. Football game or competition watch live in Pikashow application.
  4. Car racing or other competition games are live available in this application.

Live TV Channels on Pikashow APK

This app provide allover live TV channels shows, news, movies and podcast for users. You can download this app for the purpose of entertainment. Allows you to update the daily news overall the world and different topics globally. Here are some channels list is given below.

News Channels

  • BBC News
  • CNN
  • JEO News

Entertainment Channels

  • Colors TV
  • Zee TV
  • Sony TV
  • Sports Channels
  • Ten Sports

APK Pikashow provide many number of channels about your interest, just search your favorite list or watch anything.  Its interface is user friendly or easy to use foe new users.

How to Download Pikashow App on Android?

APK Pikashow is third party app so it is not available on play store. So, you can download from your phone browser. It’s very reliable with android phone. Only follow some steps or download the app:

  • Open the chrome and type our website name on search bar click on first option or go to download option. This platform provides secure connection.
  • Go to setting or enable some unknown resources in your phone.
  • Within few seconds its start downloading or save in your phone
  • Next step is click on fire or installation is start.
  • Finally, the icon of Pikashow APK show in your phone display.

Complaints with Solutions for Pikashow APK

Adds Issue

  • Some users face problems with ads issue in watch videos.
  • Better solution for ads download or use add blocker for enjoying movies or any content.
  • Adds issue is common but is solve by ad blocker.

Legal Problems

  • May be you disappoint because its sometime show irrelevant content on screen, or irritating in watch videos.
  • Make sure you don’t see any copyright stuff or irrelevant downloading or not share your private data on this platform. Use legal stream for watching content.

Security Problems

  • When you download this app from any unknown source so you face this issue.
  • Always download this app from trusted website its overcome your security issues.

Technical Problems

  • Peoples have some issues like login issues, server connection, or the app stop.
  • Solve this issue with your account update but don’t share privacy numbers.
  • Specially refresh the app or your internet connection when you face this issue.
  • Restart your internet connection for speed optimization.

For better experience download Pikashow APK application from our website. Our site is secure and safe for your device.

Pikashow APK Pros

  1. Unlimited premium features app free of cost.
  2. Variety collection of movies and live streaming
  3. Any type of content download offline available
  4. Pikashow APK provide full HD quality with good visual display.
  5. Regular updates protect from bugs free or update premium features.

Pikashow APK Cons

  1. Risky for privacy when you download from untrustworthy source
  2. Sometimes issues in buffering live TV


In final words we conclude the pikkashow APK is an amazing application with lots of unlimited features for users. Easy to use access and search anything u want for your entertainment. Also play anything according to your mood needs. Watch and download free stuff from this app. Some people disturb with ads but this APK version or tool is very useful for live streaming watch peoples because it’s always try to best result show for users. It’s a good choice for your spare time mood changing. Pikkashow APK is totally safe and secure when you download it trustworthy website. Choose our website for download this app or enjoy with better experience. When u stay tuned with Pikashow APK Download then u excited daily for new updating features or results.


Is the Pikashow APK Safe?

Yes, Pikkashow APK is safe for your device when you download from secure or trustworthy website. Use our website for download this APK mode.

Does Pikashow APK have subtitles?

Yes, Pikkashow APK app has many languages subtitle, its very plus point for user for understanding the language user want. When he on the option for subtitle the automatically start in your content or you can read bottom on screen.

Are there any age restrictions for using Pikashow APK?

No, it’s app made for any age users. But make remember can’t share your private data in this platform secure your mobile data with privacy protection.

Can I show content from Pikashow APK on my smart TV?

Yes. You can see movies on smart TV with Chromecast, you can share your phone screen with smart TV and enjoy big screen TV with your family and friends.

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